The Evarts City Volunteer Fire Department provides many differant types
of emergency services throughout the city of Evarts and to its subscribers, also the fire department responds to accidents,
natural disasters, and requests from other agencies. The fire department takes on new responsibilities all the time as the
members get trained in different areas or tasked to take on new ones.
The Evarts City Fire Department uses different methods and tactics each
time they are called upon for a response. New methods and tactics are taught or discovered all the time. The reason for this
is each time you are called out it may look the same but what worked the last time may not work this time.
The Evarts CIty Fire Department is changing every day,Jason
Sanders ; in the picture shown, shows the gear that our department has bought along with 2 new trucks and new equipment
after receiving grants, but the biggest thing on the needs list is motivated men and women to volunteer
some of their time to help protect our city and people in the time of need.
The Fire department has meetings every Tuesday to go over new methods, tactics,
and to keep their skills at a level to protect and serve the ones in need of assistance.